Electrostatic Disinfecting Spraying

Electrostatic Cleaning and Disinfecting Spraying

COVID-19 is truly scary due to the scale of the pandemic and the speed it has spread throughout the United States and indeed the globe.

At the same time this is not a monster virus that we have no idea how to battle. It has a lipid outer layer that is destroyed by soap and that means most sanitizers will effectively render it inactive. We go a step further with our organic viral disinfectant, delivered by electrostatic spray, which will kill COVID-19 wherever it tries to hide, making your premises safe.

We understand that our clients are intent on maintaining perfect hygiene and sanitation and want to eliminate the risk from viruses including COVID-19. We also know how much they care for their customers, families, tenants, students, and pets and that's why we offer a complete range of organic, all-natural cleaning solutions guaranteed to kill 99.9% of all germs, viruses, mold, fungi, and bacteria. A completely non-toxic spray is applied electrostatically to ensure perfect coverage.

What is Electrostatic?

Electrostatic technology is a new way of applying cleansers, sanitizers, and disinfectants, helping facilities treat surfaces in less time and with better coverage than traditional cleaning methods. The technology is well-established, with a history of more than 60 years in other areas, including the agriculture, automotive, and tanning industries, but it has only recently been applied to surface disinfection.

How Does Electrostatic Technology Work?

Electrostatic technology works by charging liquids (i.e., cleansers, sanitizers, and disinfectants) as they pass through a sprayer nozzle. This generates charged droplets that repel one another and actively seek out environmental surfaces, to which they stick and even wrap around to coat all sides. The result is a uniform coating of sanitizer or disinfectant on sprayed objects, including hard-to-reach areas that manual cleaning can miss. The technology also helps avoid liquid pooling often associated with trigger sprayers.

The range of commercial and residential premises we can disinfect with our proven non-toxic treatments is extremely broad – from multi-tenant occupied spaces to universities, dental practices to veterinary facilities, and hospitals to office buildings protecting themselves from viral infections. We're on the front line of keeping you and yours safe from germs of all kinds including COVID-19.

Virus disinfection services:

Viruses come in two varieties; envelope or non-envelope depending on whether or not they have a lipid envelope surrounding their protein shell. The good news is that we can kill 99.9% of them all with our all-natural organic viral disinfectant sprays. To rid your premises of viruses call us.

Is Disinfecting Safe?

No matter what kind of business you are in, our all-natural botanical electrostatic cleaning service means you can be sure that any virus that is present is wiped out without leaving traces of toxic chemicals that can be a problem for the vulnerable, children, or animals. Any business and/or home would benefit from our organic anti-microbial sprays and the charged particle approach of electrostatic spraying. A single treatment will clean all surfaces including the undersides and the backs of surfaces being sprayed, even the tiniest crevice.

Our Product

Traditional disinfectant solutions with the power to kills germs, viruses, and pathogens have always left behind harsh smells and sometimes had corrosive properties. They were effective but unpleasant and sometimes dangerous to use. You no longer have to make the tradeoff of using unpleasant chemical cleaners to disinfect and protect. We’ve found a solution that checks all the boxes.

Bioesque meets the highest safety standards and, as a result, has been given a category 4 EPA rating, which is the safest EPA rating available. Bioesque Botanical Disinfectant is an all-purpose 3-in-1 cleaner, sanitizer, and disinfectant. It’s EPA registered with a 3-minute kill claim on harmful pathogens like MRSA, Staph, Flu, and now 4 minutes on Norovirus and Coronavirus.

All Bioesque products feature Thymox Technology, a sustainable botanical technology consisting of proprietary patented formulations with strong antimicrobial and cleaning efficacy. Thymox Technology is environmentally friendly, non-toxic, non-corrosive, and biodegradable. The active ingredient is Thymol, which is a component of thyme oil, basically the same as the plant extract. Thymox has earned the coveted UL Ecologo and NSF food safe certifications.

- epa.gov and bioesquesolutions.com

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